Steve C. Wang

San Gregorio State Beach, CA   

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I am a Professor of Statistics and Department Chair at Swarthmore College and a Faculty Affiliate in Environmental Studies. I develop statistical methods for studying paleobiology, evolution, and extinction. My primary research areas include mass extinctions, macroevolution, evolutionary trends, and accounting for the incompleteness of the fossil record (the Signor-Lipps effect).

I have also taught at Stanford (in geology) and Harvard, Williams, and the University of Chicago (in mathematics and statistics). In addition to paleobiology, I am interested in data visualization and sabermetrics (baseball analytics). I also compose percussion music for fun.

Opportunities for students: I often supervise projects on statistical paleontology during the school year for course credit (as Stat 93: Directed Reading). Please email me if you are interested. I am also planning to have paid positions for undergraduate student researchers in summer 2022. The main qualities I am looking for are curiosity, perseverance, and attention to detail. In terms of courses, the preferred prerequisite is CS 21 or equivalent. Stat 51 is helpful, but some combination of Stat 11, Stat 21, Bio 2, or other experience may suffice as well. No paleontology background is necessary. Here is a 2.5-minute video about summer research. You can also learn more about projects and publications by previous students here.

Feedback: Want to leave me a comment or suggestion? Here is an anonymous feedback form.

Department of Mathematics and Statistics s c w a n g [at] swarthmore [dot] edu
500 College Ave. Bluesky: SteveWang251
Swarthmore College (610) 690-5769
Swarthmore, PA 10981